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Friday, June 11, 2010

The Bleep! Dr. Nathan and Sara Hoffman Competition

I am happy to say that Bleep! has reached over 500 members. This is a huge, huge amount in a short time - while Bleep! has been around since August 2009, I only started getting members in November 2009. That means I've gotten over 500 members in 7 months! Wow!

I'm always looking to spread Bleep!'s message to as many people as possible. My next goal in terms of membership is 613. As many of you know, 613 is the number of commandments in the Torah, and considered an important number in rabbinic literature. I.e., it's a lucky number for me. Since I want to encourage all of you to get your friends to join Bleep!, I am happy to announce the first-ever Bleep! competition!

In order to participate, all you have to do is encourage your friends to join Bleep!! Seriously, that's it. Make sure to tell your friend that in order to join Bleep!, they must email their name and state to, and mention that you referred them to join. The four people who refer the most new members and the 613th member will receive Chofetz Chaim: A Daily Companion. The Chofetz Chaim was a rabbi at the turn of the 20th century who formulated many laws of clean speech, and the daily companion book can help anyone who is looking to perfect their speech and language. Winners' first names will be mentioned in the newsletter after I receive 613 members!

This contest is sponsored in loving memory of Dr. Nathan and Sara Hoffman by Yair Hoffman and family.

Remember - encourage your friends to join Bleep!!

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