Dear kids who cuss,Swearing doesn't make you sound grown up. It shows you can't articulate your emotions intelligently.Sincerely, tired of "F" this and "F" thats.
Yeah! It's so awesome to see something against excessive cursing online, where there are unfortunately a lot of people who wantonly use bad language.
A few of the comments on the DBPB:
I wish I didn't swear so much, I'm trying really hard to stop!This post is right. Swearing doesn't automatically make someone less intelligent, but I've noticed that it is used more commonly by the less intelligent. However smart you are, swearing will always make you seem less intelligent....I agree that if it's every other word, that's a bit excessive...
Can you direct me to a post where you outline your reasons why you believe swearing bad in psychological and personal (i.e., egoistic) ethical terms? If not, would be interested in hearing them.
ReplyDeleteI would start making my case with the psychological, since if we don't understand what is happening psychologically first, we can't proceed with any kind of analysis. For example, it is possible in some situtations that, when people swear, they are trying to project feelings onto others or onto objects, which is counter-productive. Ergo, one shouldn't swear...
Sure! Check out this link.