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Friday, January 21, 2011

Rebbetzin Kanievsky on Watching Our Mouths

A member of Bleep!, Dassi G., shared this letter from Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's wife with me, and I thought I would share it with all of you. While Rebbetzin Kanievsky is discussing Jewish concepts, I think they apply to people of all faiths.

The situation [today] is very difficult. We are suffering terrible losses, many orphans and widows from different diseases. My husband, the rabbi, was asked what could be the reason for all these tragedies.The rabbi opened [the Talmud] and said it's because of foul language.And how can we correct ourselves? Only by watching what we say.

I read an article written by Rabbi Segal from Manchester who writes:

"Never did I see a person who learned two halachot (Jewish laws) of shemirat halashon (guarding of the language) every day and didn't see salvation from above, whether in children...good health, [wealth], or bringing up the children. He had promised that whoever will learn [shemirat halashon], he will be his defender in Heaven." And we witnessed miracles that happened to people who took upon themselves two halachot every day and saw help.

...A...story is about a woman who came to us about a year ago with great sorrow saying that she'd been married for 20 years and she didn't have children. I advised her to learn two halachot every day and [thank God] she conceived and now has a month old baby boy.

And another story: A few weeks ago a woman came to me, broken and crying, and said that her mother is in the hospital with a growing tumor. She asked what she could take upon herself to help. Again, I advised that the entire family learn two halachot of shemirat halashon every day. Two days later she returned and asked of me to tell her story and the miracle that happened. She said that the entire family gathered and decided to learn two halachot daily and two days later they received a phone call from the hospital saying to come and pick up the mother, the tumor is gone and she is in good health.

I hear many miracles such as these. And now, we should all take upon learn two halachot of shemirat halashon every day...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"She Used a Bathroom Word!"

I was at my friend's house, and her four-year-old brother was hanging out with us. My friend and I were joking around, and I used the word tushy, which I think we all agree is not a bad word. Her younger brother piped in, laughing, "She used a bathroom word!"

We all thought this was hilariously funny (and it really was very cute). My friend's brother had a point, though: I probably shouldn't have said tushy in his presence, since it is considered a bathroom word to four-year-olds. Obviously, it is not a bad word for those of us past preschool, and I must prefer using tushy to the many other vulgar and inappropriate terms out there. However, next time I'm around little ones, I really should think twice before I speak.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Goodness, I feel old...2011 sounds like a year out of a futuristic book...

Bleep! has seriously grown this past year. It's been published in 15 different media outlets, has gotten somewhere near 600 more members, and been exposed to students at Manhattan Day School, Hillel Day School of Boca Raton, an ethics class at Congregation Beth Or, and other schools and youth groups. Bleep! also ran the Dr. Nathan and Sara Hoffman Competition, which encouraged Bleep! members to invite their friends to join until Bleep! got to 613 members. Shifra S., Nechama G., Elianna S., and Sarah A. referred the most members, and Atara F. was the 613th.

Since its inception in August 2009, Bleep! has really impacted society: so far, there are over 700 members from 27 states and ten countries, and hits on the Web site from every state and 101 countries!

Hopefully Bleep! will continue on the successful route it has been so far!