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Monday, January 18, 2010

You Can Quote Bad Words

I remember when we were reading To Kill a Mockingbird in class a few months ago, and the teacher had a student read a passage out loud. The girl was reading it, and the word h**l came up. She substituted heck. While I understand her reluctance to say h**l and respect her for it, I really wanted to tell her that it's okay to say the word! When it's part of a quote or title and you're among peers, you can say the bad word. My reasoning is that since it's not actively cursing at someone, simply using a word, it's fine to use. If there were eight-year-olds in the room, I would totally back her decision to substitute an alternative, since it's totally inappropriate to use bad words in front of little kids.


  1. She probably felt uncomfortable because she was in school and in front of her teacher and even though its ok to say the word she still would feel weird

  2. I see what you're saying - you're probably right. I guess I'd probably feel weird too saying h**l in front of my teacher!!

  3. I don’t agree that it’s okay to quote curse words! After all, you’re still SAYING them, although they aren’t actually aimed at anyone. You should feel uncomfortable with such words leaving your mouth, regardless of the situation, and if you’re not, then train yourself to be! As the quote goes, “Fake it till you make it!” Such words really “pollute” the atmosphere around us, and to combat the widespread use of curse words, you should be extra careful to keep your own mouth clean as much as you possibly can.

