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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Teens Against Cursing on Facebook

I recently got an email from new member Annette J. from Malaysia, talking about the new group she made on Facebook against cursing!

"Our aim is to lessen those mean and filthy words or maybe substitute them with other words that doesn't sound such as filthy as the original word," Annette told me. Bleep! could not agree with this message more. Try to stop using bad words in general, but if you have a hard time, use alternatives instead. I readily admit that I use a lot of substitutes for bad words, since it's hard to completely erase them from your vocabulary, even in a short amount of time.

If you're on Facebook, make sure to like Annette's page. It's a great page filled with a lot of anti-cursing inspiration. If you think you're the only one who dislikes hearing bad words, this page shows that you're not alone, whether you're in the US or Malaysia or any country in between.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Everyone Should Keep a Clean Mouth

A friend of mine recently shared this article with me. It discusses how a school in New Jersey made students take a pledge not to curse.

At first, this seems great - a school going out of its way to ensure its students stay clean-mouthed. The catch is that the school only asked female students to take this vow. Boys were asked to abstain from cursing only when they were around girls.

I'm sure the school meant well, but they really missed the mark. Although cursing may indeed be not terribly ladylike, such a concept is so archaic and outdated that it didn't even make it into the Bleep! philosophy. Making girls take a pledge not to curse and allowing boys to say bad words whenever they want to is a double standard, which is clearly not fair. The double standard in cursing has always been prevalent, and I've blogged about it in the past. However, that doesn't make it right.

People who agree with Bleep!'s goals need to understand that nobody should curse - not just one segment of the population.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cursing Online

Recently, I've become active in a certain online forum. Everyone really keeps their posts clean, perhaps with the occasional mildly bad word. However, there's one guy that consistently uses really bad words. He's a perfectly nice guy, but the fact that he curses so frequently really takes away from my respect for him. It's so jarring when I read one of his posts and I see an f bomb or other really intense word. Like, is it so hard for him to watch what he says, especially since nobody else uses that kind of language? I don't know him that well, so I would never ask him to watch his language or stop using bad words, since it's just not my place and I would feel awkward. I wish I could tell him how much his bad language is bothering me, though.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cursing in the Music Industry

Dear music industry,
Have you ever considered a swear jar?
Sincerely, it would really help the national debt...

I found the above Dear Blank Please Blank absolutely brilliant. Not only does it manage to crack a political joke, but it reveals the nastiness behind all the bad language that singers use. I personally really love music (even though I can't sing), and I find it so disappointing when one of my favorite singers will use a bad word (or two...or three...or more) in a song. Like, what was the point of using that word? Are there not thousands, if not millions, of other words you could have used there instead?